Saklıkent Gorge Trip

Discover Saklıkent Canyon Gorge Trip, Find out everything you need to know about the exciting and beautiful Saklıkent Canyon Gorge Trip. From activities to amenities, we’ve got you covered. Plan your perfect trip today! Before you embark on your Saklıkent Canyon adventure, be sure to check out the weather conditions. We provide up-to-date information so you can plan your trip accordingly. Have you heard of Ring Rafting? Find out what it is, how it works, and why it’s so much fun. Join Saklikent Gorge activities. Ring Rafting.

*Ring Rafting  extra cost activitie.




Embark on a journey through history and natural beauty with our one-day tour of Xanthos Ancient City, Saklikent Gorge, and Patara Beach. Starting at 9:00 in the morning, we’ll take you on a guided tour of Xanthos, an ancient city rich in history and culture. Next, we’ll take a stroll through the stunning Saklikent Gorge, where you can admire the crystal-clear waters and optionaly extra you can join Ring Rafting . Finally, we’ll end the day with a visit to the picturesque Patara Beach, where you can relax on the sandy shores and soak up the Mediterranean sun. With our expert guides and comfortable transportation, you’ll have a day to remember. Join us and experience the best that this region has to offer.

Departure at 09:00 in the morning. The first stop is the ancient city of Xanthos. Our guide will tell you the story of Xanthos. After a 45-minute cultural tour, depart for Saklıkent Canyon. Canyon walk, lunch break. Those who wish can participate in optional and extra Ring Rafting  activities. Afterwards, a swimming break at the magnificent sea and beach of Patara Beach. Those who wish can sit in the restaurant. Shower and toilet are available. Our vehicle will be in Kalkan at 18:00.


Water Shoes, Towels, Swimming Costumes, Bag, Extra Short and Tshirt



Xanthos Ancient City, also known as Xanthos-Letoon, is an archaeological site located in modern-day Turkey, near the village of Kınık in the Antalya Province. It holds great historical and cultural significance as an ancient Lycian city and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here is some detailed information about Xanthos Ancient City:

  1. History: Xanthos was the capital of the Lycian Federation and played a prominent role in the history of ancient Lycia. The city’s origins date back to the 8th century BCE, and it thrived during the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. Over the centuries, it was occupied by various civilizations, including Persians, Greeks, and Romans.

  2. Architecture: Xanthos exhibits a blend of Lycian, Greek, and Roman architectural styles. The city features impressive structures, including monumental tombs, temples, an amphitheater, a agora (marketplace), and a fortress. The Lycian tombs, with their intricate carvings and unique architectural designs, are particularly notable.

  3. Nereid Monument: One of the most famous structures in Xanthos is the Nereid Monument. This ancient tomb, built in the 4th century BCE, is adorned with exquisite reliefs depicting mythological scenes. Although the monument is currently on display at the British Museum in London, replicas and fragments can be seen at the site.

  4. Harpy Tomb: Another remarkable tomb in Xanthos is the Harpy Tomb, named after the winged mythological creatures depicted on its façade. This impressive monument is considered one of the finest examples of Lycian tomb architecture.

  5. Letoon: Located about 8 kilometers from Xanthos, Letoon is an adjacent archaeological site that was an important religious center in ancient times. It comprises the ruins of three temples dedicated to the Lycian gods Leto, Apollo, and Artemis.

  6. UNESCO World Heritage Status: Xanthos-Letoon was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988. It is recognized for its outstanding universal value as an archaeological site that represents the history, culture, and architectural achievements of the Lycian civilization.

Visiting Xanthos Ancient City offers a unique opportunity to explore the remnants of an ancient Lycian capital and gain insights into the rich history of the region. The site’s remarkable architecture, including the elaborate tombs and temples, provides a glimpse into the artistic and cultural legacy of the Lycian civilization.

Please note that due to the nature of archaeological sites, the preservation and accessibility of certain structures may vary. It is recommended to check with local authorities or tour operators for the most up-to-date information before planning your visit.

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