Sea Kayak Kekova Sunken City

Sea Kayak Kekova Sunken City


Sea Kayaking Tour of Kekova: A Thrilling and Unforgettable Adventure

Embark on a journey like no other as we explore the breathtaking Kekova region of Turkey by sea kayak. Starting bright and early at 7:20 am, we’ll pick you up from Kalkan and make our way to Üçağız Kekova Harbor, about an hour away by car.

After making all necessary preparations, our route will take us to the tranquil Tersane Cove for a refreshing swimming break, followed by a visit to the famous sunken city of Batık Şehir. From there, we’ll head over to the historic Kaleköy Simena Castle for another swimming break and an immersive visit to the castle.

As the tour draws to a close, we’ll paddle back to Üçağız Yacht Harbor by 2:30 pm before returning to Kalkan via a scenic car ride. Throughout the tour, your safety is our top priority, and we provide high-quality gear, including life jackets and waterproof bags for personal belongings.

What makes this sea kayaking tour truly unforgettable is the chance to explore the underwater ruins of the sunken city of Simena. As we paddle over the submerged walls and structures, you’ll get a fascinating glimpse into the past, a moment that will stay with you forever.

Whether you’re an experienced kayaker or a beginner, this sea kayaking tour in Kekova is perfect for anyone looking for a thrilling and immersive adventure. So, pack your sense of adventure, and join us for an unforgettable journey through one of Turkey’s most stunning regions.


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Sea Kayaking in Kekova: A Beautiful and Professional Adventure Nestled along the southern coast of Turkey lies the stunning Kekova region, home to crystal clear waters, hidden coves, and a fascinating history dating back thousands of years. While many tourists flock to the area for its beaches and ancient ruins, a truly unique and exhilarating way to experience Kekova is by sea kayak. Sea kayaking in Kekova offers the chance to explore the region’s natural beauty up close, from the rugged coastline to the underwater ruins of the sunken city of Simena. The calm and clear waters make for ideal kayaking conditions, and the numerous secluded coves and beaches along the way provide ample opportunities to stop for a swim or picnic. But sea kayaking in Kekova is not just a leisurely paddle – it can also be a challenging and rewarding adventure. Experienced kayakers can tackle longer routes that take them to remote areas of the region, while beginners can opt for shorter, guided tours that provide a more accessible introduction to the sport. Regardless of experience level, safety is always a top priority on sea kayaking tours in Kekova. Professional guides with years of experience and local knowledge lead groups, ensuring that everyone stays safe and has a memorable experience. Kayakers are also equipped with high-quality gear, including life jackets and waterproof bags for personal belongings. Perhaps one of the most unique aspects of sea kayaking in Kekova is the opportunity to explore the underwater ruins of the sunken city of Simena. This ancient city was submerged after an earthquake in the 2nd century AD, and its ruins can now be seen through the clear waters of Kekova Bay. Kayakers can paddle over the submerged walls and structures, getting a fascinating glimpse into the past. In addition to the sunken city, kayakers can also explore other historical sites along the coast, including the medieval castle in the town of Kaleköy and the Lycian rock tombs in Myra. These landmarks provide a fascinating glimpse into the region’s rich history, adding an extra layer of depth to the sea kayaking experience. Overall, sea kayaking in Kekova is a truly unique and unforgettable adventure, offering the chance to explore one of Turkey’s most beautiful regions in a way that few others do. Whether you’re an experienced kayaker or a beginner, there’s something for everyone on a sea kayaking tour in Kekova. So why not paddle out and discover the beauty and history of this stunning region for yourself?